
  • Tamara Klikovac
  • Đerđi Šarić
  • Vesna Korać




health professionals, primary health care, professional stress


This research was conducted to determine the level of occupational stress on a sample of 220 health workers who attended accredited courses "Good communication with patients" which were held in 2018 and 2019 in Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Nis, and Belgrade. Over 70% of the surveyed health workers were from the primary level of health care (primary health centers and smaller out-patient clinics within larger health centers). Upon completion of the course, in addition to completing evaluations and knowledge tests, participants were asked to fill in the scale of professional stress anonymously with main in order to assess the level of occupational stress on the examined sample of health workers. The results showed that the level of occupational stress for the entire sample (M = 64.40; SD = 12.43) was moderate. The only significant difference obtained concerned the gender, more accurately, indicators showed that female health professionals had a higher level of stress compared to male ones. The expected assumptions relating to the existence of a difference in the level of occupational stress according to marital status, age, length of service, and position were not obtained. Perception of stress levels in a sample of health professionals is important for organizing thematic education, courses and preventive work in order to identify and prevent the harmful effects of occupational stress on the mental and physical health of medical staff.


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Author Biographies

Tamara Klikovac

Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

Đerđi Šarić

General hospital ,,Dr Radivoj Simonović” in Sombor

Vesna Korać

“Second Serbia Health Project” of the Ministry of Health and the World Bank


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How to Cite

Klikovac, T., Šarić, Đerđi, & Korać, V. (2020). OCCUPATIONAL STRESS IN HEALTH PROFESSIONALS. Primenjena Psihologija, 13(3), 349–370. https://doi.org/10.19090/pp.2020.3.349-370



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