DOI:čne reči:
afektivna vezanost, UPIPAV, unutrašnji radni model, depresija, anksioznostApstrakt
The research presented in this work was conducted in order todetermine attachment characterstics in depressed and anxiousrespondents. In general population, four types of attachmentpatterns can be singled out. Hence, it was assumed that indepressed and anxious individuals four types of attachmentcould also be confirmed (the secure affective bonds as wellas three forms of insecure types: unresolved/disorganized,dismissive, and preoccupied).
The study included 210 respondents: 70 healthy, 70 depressed,and 70 anxious. The depression and anxiety groups wereestablished through a diagnostic interview and the MMPI–201,while the patterns of attachment were determined through theQuestionnaire for the Assessment of Attachment in Adolescentsand Adults (UPIPAV).
Using the cluster analysis of the UPIPAV scales, three clustersthat correspond to the safe, dismissive and preoccupiedattachment were extracted, while unresolved/disorganizedattachment did not appear as a separate entity. In the samples ofdepressed and anxious respondents there was a preponderanceof the insecure forms of attachment, while in healthy respondentsthere was a predominance of the secure attachment. Depressedrespondents generally showed preoccupied forms, while anxioussubjects were generally classified as dismissive.