
  • Janko Međedović Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, Belgrade, Serbia Faculty of Media and Communication, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Tara Bulut Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia


Ključne reči:

Mini IPIP-6, six-factor personality structure, reliability, validity, psysical and mental health


The focus of the present research was the validation of the Serbian version of Mini IPIP-6 personality inventory. It is a 24-item self-report questionnaire which measures six broad personality traits: Extraversion, Neuroticism, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience and Honesty–Humility. We examined the scales’ reliability, latent structure and the relations of personality measures with Perceived Infectability (physical health) and Disintegration (mental health) in a sample of 218 undergraduate students (82% females; Mage = 23.7, SD = 7.11). The data showed that Mini IPIP-6 scales have adequate reliabilities (all αs >.70). Furthermore, the factor structure was completely in accordance with the expectations: all items loaded on their respectable factors. Finally, personality traits predicted physical and mental health in a theoretically expected manner: higher Neuroticism and lower Extraversion and Conscientiousness independently predicted physical health while higher Neuroticism and lower Honesty–Humility and Agreeableness had a contribution in the prediction of mental health. The study findings corroborated the reliability and validity of the Mini IPIP-6. Combined with the fact that it is a very short personality measure, the results speak in favor of using the inventory in empirical research. Still, it was important to consider the limitations of the instrument, such as narrowed psychological content of the scales.


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Kako citirati

Međedović, J., & Bulut, T. (2017). THE MINI IPIP-6: SHORT, VALID, AND RELIABLE MEASURE OF THE SIX-FACTOR PERSONALITY STRUCTURE. Primenjena Psihologija, 10(2), 185–202.

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