
  • Boris Popov Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
  • Sara Raković Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
  • Dragana Jelić Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad


Ključne reči:

model organizacijskog zdralja, izgaranje, radna angažovanost, blagostanje zaposlenih, organizacijska uspešnost


The organisational health framework represents a turning point in the field of occupational stress research because it focuses simultaneously on both individual indicators of stress and well-being, and the indicators of organisational performance. The main aim of this study was to test whether positive and negative experiences at work can predict some of the organisational health indicators, such as burnout, work engagement, organisational citizenship behavior, and turnover intentions. A total number of 477 employees (average age 39 years), permanently employed in 18 companies in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia, filled in the following questionnaires: the Positive and Negative Experiences Scale (PNWES), the Work Burnout Scale (WB), the Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9), the Serbian Affect Inventory (SIAB-PANAS), the shortened Oragnisational Commitment Scale (OCS), as well as the Organisational Citizenship Behaviour Scale (OCBS), and the Turnover Intentions scale (NNO). Results of the structural equations modelling showed that hypothetical model had good fit indices and that relationships between variables were in the expected direction. It was demonstrated that positive work experiences increased directly work engagement and, indirectly, organisational citizenship behaviour. On the other hand, negative work experiences were found to increase burnout, and indirectly, turnover intentions. Commitment was proved to be the central mediator in the model. The theoretical and practical implications of the organisational health framework were discussed.


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