positive and negative perfectionism, perfectionistic self-presentation, explicit and implicit self-esteemAbstract
Research focusing on relationship between perfectionism and self-esteem is rather new and offers various and sometimes contradictory findings. Furthermore, a relationship between perfectionism and implicit self-esteem is still an under- investigated topic. The aim of this study was to explore differences in levels of implicit and explicit self-esteem and self-presentation between positive and negative perfectionists. One hundred and forty undergraduate psychology participants in two time points filled in the Self-Liking and Self- Competence Scale, the Perfectionistic Self-Presentation Scale, the Perfectionism Questionnaire, and the Implicit Associations Test. Results showed a significant difference in self-liking, nondisplay of imperfection, and nondisclosure of imperfection between positive and negative perfectionists. Positive perfectionists scored significantly higher on self-liking, and lower on nondisplay and nondisclosure of imperfection than negative perfectionists did. Positive perfectionists also had significantly higher levels of implicit self-esteem. There was no significant difference in self-competence and perfectionistic self-promotion between positive and negative perfectionists.Metrics
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