denial, financial situation, health, problem solving, unemploymentAbstract
A sample of 222 unemployed persons from four regions in the Republic of Serbia conducted a survey aimed at examining the effect of the subjective perception of the financial hardship on the psycho-physical health disorders among the unemployed. Data were collected using, for this occasion constructed instruments for assessing the symptoms of psycho-physical health disorders, questionnaires for a subjective assessment of the financial situation and items related to the prevalence of the unemployed person’s appraoch to the situation of job loss (solving or denying this problem). The results support the expectation that the perception of the severity of the financial situation is indeed a factor in the psycho-physical health of the unemployed, both overall health and its individual dimensions. It was found that this effect is independent from the duration of unemployment, the level of education or the age of the unemployed. Furthermore, result support the expectation that the orientation towards problem solving is associated with less depressive and anxiety symptoms, compared to unemployees with the denying orientation. Finally, the obtained results show that unemployed women report poorer psycho-physical health than men, and that gender does not moderate the relationship between subjective assessment of the financial situation and psycho-physical health. All the findings are discussed within the theory of the effects of job loss and in light of the findings of numerous researches in this field.
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