What Can Network Analysis Tell Us About the Intolerance of Uncertainty?
intolerance of uncertainty, intolerance of uncertainty scale, network analysis, vulnerability, anxietyAbstract
In this study, we explored the network structure of intolerance of uncertainty (IU) using a community sample. We tested the interplay of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs about uncertainty (as measured by the Serbian Intolerance of Uncertainty-11 Scale) and evaluated whether our results would align with those obtained by the Italian researchers, considering the use of somewhat different versions of the scale in somewhat different cultural settings. The walktrap community detection algorithm yielded two communities referring to 1) Inhibitory anxiety and 2) Prospective anxiety. Thus, our findings suggest that IU can be decomposed into these two aspects regardless of which approach is used – network approach or factor analysis. The three most central nodes referred to perceiving uncertainty as upsetting and intolerable and believing one must avoid all the uncertainty. Two central nodes belonged to the Prospective anxiety community, and the third one belonged to the Inhibitory anxiety community and indicated reduced overall quality of life due to uncertainty. The roles of these three constituents in understanding the nature of IU are discussed further in the paper.
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