emotional context, ad, effectiveness, media planningAbstract
This study examined the impact of emotional context on effectiveness of TV commercials (TVCs). In two experiments, participants were exposed to either emotionally positive or emotionally negative stimuli before watching a TVC. The effectiveness of the TVC was measured by 4 indicators: Ad recall, attitude toward the ad (Aad), attitude toward the brand (Ab), and purchase intent (PI). Results of Experiment 1 revealed that participants who were pre-exposed to a positive emotional context had a more positive Aad, Ab and a higher PI, when compared to those who were pre-exposed to a negative emotional context. Experiment 2 demonstrated that pre-exposure to the positive emotional context was associated with more positive Ab and a higher PI, while preexposure to the negative emotional context led to more negative Aad. In both experiments there was no indication of the influence of the emotional context on Ad recall. However, data from Experiment 2 suggested that both positive and negative emotional contexts positively affected ad recognition, when compared to an emotionally neutral situation. In conclusion, our findings advocate the importance of emotional context in which TVCs are broadcasted to the general public, a fact that has been vastly neglected so far by media planners.
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