
  • Tomislav Ludajić Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
  • Sunčica Zdravković Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade



object recognition, diagnostic colour, classification, visual recognition, verification task


There are two distinct approaches concerning the importance of colour and shape in visual recognition and object classification. The first group of theories emphasize the role of shape, while the second propose that the colour is equally important as shape. Hence, the latter group of theories segregate all objects into two categories: 1) HCD, for which colour and shape are equally important visual characteristics and 2) LCD, primary relying on shape. Our goal was to establish the impact of shape and colour in classification and recognition of visual objects. We wanted to determine whether there is a difference in shape and colour contribution when it comes to natural vs. man-made objects. Hence, we used food for our stimuli, given that in this category both natural and man-made objects are equally familiar and frequent, and both possess diagnostic colours. Our results strongly support theories that emphasize the importance of shape both for categorization and object recognition. It seems that colour only plays a role in recognition when shape is so deformed that it is essentially uninformative.


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How to Cite

Ludajić, T., & Zdravković, S. (2016). THE ROLE OF SHAPE AND COLOUR IN RECOGNITION AND CLASSIFICATION OF FAMILIAR VISUAL OBJECTS. Primenjena Psihologija, 9(3), 333–352.



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